Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD)

CBM: Disability Inclusive COVID-19 Matrix


To support CBM’s Community-Based Inclusive Development (CBID) partners, a “Disability Inclusive Community Action – COVID-19 Matrix” has been developed with the aim to provide community programmes guidance on possible action points in community development and mobilization in relation to COVID-19 preparedness and response.

How SAFOD and the entire disability movement could utilize this resource in Southern Africa?

  • SAFOD, affiliates and partners could use the resource as a key reference material when engaging SADC, Governments and other stakeholders on best ways to mainstream disability within their COVID-19 regional, national and community response plans / strategies / programs.
  • SAFOD could adapt most of the recommendations into its own advocacy materials on COVID-19.

Other observations and recommendations

Ensure that the resource is re-packaged in accessible formats, including Braille, audio books/text, large prints, etc.

Download the Resource Here