Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD)

SAFOD COVID-19 Survery Snapshot Results - August 2020

SAFOD COVID-19 Survery Snapshot Results - August 2020



11 August 2020




  • The Norwegian Federation of Organisations of Disabled People (FFO)
  • International Development Partners
  • The Private Sector
  • Individual well-wishers like you!



The Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD), which is the umbrella network of the national federations of organizations of persons with disabilities in Southern Africa,  has been collecting data through a survey that is mainly targeted at persons with disabilities in the region. Through this survey, we are interested in understanding how the COVID-19 crisis is affecting them and how they feel about the ongoing response interventions at the local community, national, and even regional levels.

The information gathered greatly enhances the SAFOD's own regional response strategy for persons with disabilities, which proposes a list of interventions targeting persons with disabilities and their carers through our national affiliates who constitute federations of Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) in the countries we work. We have released the first snapshot of the results in August, and as we continue to collect data, we will be updating the versions of the report while we continue to improve our regional strategy that responds to the issues emanating from the survey.


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