CDPF: Statement & Principles on COVID-19
On 30th March 2020, the Commonwealth Disabled People’s Forum (CDPF) published a list of principles and statement on COVID-19 to Governments to help ensure that persons with disabilities throughout the Commonwealth are not disadvantaged and have their needs met.
How SAFOD and the entire disability movement could utilize this resource in Southern Africa?
- SAFOD, affiliates and partners could use the resource as a key reference material when engaging SADC, Governments and other stakeholders on best ways to mainstream disability with their COVID-19 regional, national and community response plans / strategies / programs.
- SAFOD could adapt most of the recommendations into its own advocacy materials on COVID-19.
Other observations and recommendations
Ensure that the resource is re-packaged in accessible formats, including Braille, audio books/text, large prints, etc.