Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD)

TERMS OF REFERENCE - Local Research Associate:

  • news

08 November, 2022

Enhancing existing networks and training support of artists and craftspeople with disabilities in Kgatleng District, in Botswana.


Assignment:         Consultancy

Duration:              120 working days (4 Months) from Nov 2022 to Feb 2023 

Location:               Kgatleng District


1.0. Contextual background

The Southern Africa Federation of the Disabled (SAFOD) is currently co-implementing a project with Loughborough University focused on enhancing existing networks and training support of artists and craftspeople with disabilities to develop inclusive sustainable enterprises through a Centre for Culture, Heritage, Innovation, and Enterprise within the Kgatleng District, in Botswana.

The aim of the proposed activities is to deliver an inclusive financially sustainable focal point and conduit for training, knowledge exchange between local artists and craftspeople with disability, their communities, and international networks and resources relating to culture, heritage, innovation, and enterprise. A Local Research Associate in Botswana is being recruited to support the delivery of some of the key project deliverables, as outlined below.

2.0. Scope of the assignment

These Terms of Reference will guide the work of the Local Research Associate in the assignment. The specific issues to be addressed by the research should include:

1.      How are craftspeople with disabilities make and their artifacts within the community targeted by the project?

2.      How do craftspeople with disabilities market and sell their artifacts in in the community targeted by the project?

3.      How do craftspeople with disabilities use their artefacts to promote the value of their cultural heritage?

4.      What challenges do craftspeople with disabilities experience in marketing and selling their products?

5.      How can craftspeople with disabilities use their artefacts to develop a fundamental understanding of culture, heritage, traditions, and the values associated with artefacts?

3.0. Methodology

The research can use qualitative data collection methods such as semi-structured interviews with key informants, on-site observations, and analysis of secondary sources of information such as reports/studies as necessary.

4.0. Timeframe

The assignment must be undertaken within 120 days.

5.0. Statement regarding ownership and confidentiality

When undertaking the study all information and documentation are confidential and the property of SAFOD and Loughborough University. All documents should be returned to SAFOD or Loughborough University once the study is completed.

6.0. Roles and Responsibilities

6.1. SAFOD will be responsible for:

·              Selecting and contracting the Consultant.

·              Identifying and mobilizing the 15 craftspeople with disabilities from 3 local villages in the Kgatleng District.

·              Identifying and mobilizing other strategic local stakeholders as needed.

·              Managing communications and logistics associated with the assignment.

·              Covering the costs of the strategic planning and training workshops for the 15 craftspeople and other strategic stakeholders.

·              Covering the costs of training workshop of SAFOD research assistants.

·              Providing technical advice and inputs throughout the process


6.2. The Consultant will be responsible for:

·              Preparation of a research work plan in collaboration with Loughborough University team.

·              Preparation of appropriate research tools/templates in collaboration with Loughborough University team.

·              Actively engaging with relevant SAFOD staff and other stakeholders using participatory processes and other approaches.

·              Working closely with the SAFOD team to take photographs of the work of the craftspeople with disabilities, the things they make, using mobile camera and video.

·              Post-processing of transcriptions to be completed and evaluated by Loughborough University and SAFOD team before training.

·              Regular progress reporting and consultation with SAFOD and Loughborough University team.

·              Production of deliverables in accordance with the requirements and timeframes of the Terms of Reference.

7.0. Deliverables

With technical support from the Loughborough University Co-Investigators, the consultant will provide the following deliverables:

7.1. Technical documents

·          Sampling procedures, Questionnaire, interview grids, focus group guides, plan for analysis, detailed timeline of fieldwork.

·          Content analysis and Thematic analysis spreadsheets and graphs.

·          Task analysis based on video recordings.

·          Supporting descriptive reports of images and videos, providing a contextual narrative for the media.

·          1 Draft research report

·          1 Final research (revised) report.

7.2         Data collection

Six visits to five local villages to:

·       Recruit 12 individuals who live with disability and are involved in or wish to start making artefacts to sell, via community leaders in the five local villages.

·       Present participant information and gain formal consent of the community and individuals being recorded.

·       Record everyday activities and elicit user values, needs, aspirations for inclusive arts and crafts products, through date stamped note taking, photographs, voice and video recording.

·       Present training package for participants alongside SAFOD, in-person, and LU staff, remote.

·       Undertake codesign, with remote support via telephone, and record the event and outcomes.

7.3. Workshops/ Meetings

·          1 Meeting (virtual) to present and discuss the research protocol (2h)

·          1 data collection workshop (virtual) of research assistants (8h) supported by the Loughborough University team.

·          1 webinar to present the project plan to-date, discuss the implications for Government and other potential support agencies, and gather inputs/feedback into the project from various strategic stakeholders. (2h)

·          1 Meeting (virtual) to present draft report & elaborate on recommendations (3h)

·          1 webinar to disseminate the findings (3h) and share experiences across networks, including the IAU network and African Crafts Council.

8.0. Skills and Competencies

8.1. Academic Qualifications

A minimum of a master’s degree in a relevant field in public policy, disability, social work, sociology, development studies or any other related field. A PhD will be an added advantage.

8.2 Skills and Competencies:


·          Previous experience of qualitative research methods

·          Expert in use of MS Word

·          Expert in use of MS Excel

·          Can translate local Kgatleng dialects to written English

·          Masters post-graduate Degree in social sciences or anthropology related subject.


·          Doctorate in social sciences or anthropology related subject.

·          Previous experience of ethnographic research methods

9.0. Application process

Send a cover letter responding to the Terms of Reference, a CV, technical and financial proposals to:

Applications should be submitted by COB, Sunday 20 November 2022.


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